Police, Fire Department, Ambulance
If someone is suddenly in need of medical assistance (for example, falls unconscious, cannot breathe, is injured in an accident or is attacked), you must call the emergency call center immediately on 112. This call is always free from any phone.
The call center will then make sure that an ambulance, police or other emergency help is sent immediately.
To reach the police in cases of emergency, call 110.
If you or somebody else has had contact with a poisonous substance or has been stung or bitten by a potentially poisonous animal, call 06841 19240. This is the Giftinformationszentrale at the Universitätsklinik Homburg (University Hospital). They can answer your questions and tell you what to do or what not to do. If you want to call for an ambulance directly, call 112 (see above).
Important vocabulary in this context:
accident | Unfall |
fire | Feuer |
there is a fire | es brennt |
injured person | Verletzte/r |
severely injured person | Schwerverletzte/r |
poisoning | Vergiftung |
traffic accident | Verkehrsunfall |
fire department | Feuerwehr |
police | Polizei |
emergency physician | Notarzt |
ambulance | Krankenwagen |
fight | Schlägerei |
robbery | Überfall |
bullet wound / gunshot wound | Schussverletzung |
stabbing | Messerstecherei |
unconscious | bewusstlos |
pulse | Puls |
breathing / to breathe | Atmung / atmen |
fracture of the arm / leg | Armbruch / Beinbruch |